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Stratford Golf Update

Writer's picture: Stratford Golf ClubStratford Golf Club


Kelly and Taylor win Graham Cup.

With a sensational second round of nett 56.7, Graham Kelly and Mike Taylor are this years Graham Cup winners with a two round nett total of 117.8.

Runners up were Chris Merson and Pete Shearer with a total of 118.8.

Winner of the daily haggle were Merson and Shearer on 57.4 with Matt McDonald and Graham Christie second on 59.7

Saturday 4th of March is the first of two rounds of Stableford for the Rutherford Memorial.

We have now added flexability for players to compete in club tournaments at earlier tee times and will be starting this weekend in time for Rutherford Memorial

A competition entry sheet will be out at 8.00am for any players wishing to play early. As standard players must play with another member of the club to verify their scores. At this stage it is up to individual players to organise a playing partner. We are currently investigating a way register an interest in playing early via the website to help find playing partners.


There was no golf on Tueday 21st Feb 2017 as the course was closed. On Saturday 25 Feb 2017 Diane Morresey and Sharyn Buchanan had 37 Stablefords each. Jennifer Patterson had a Two. Next week 7 March 2017 is Nancy McCormack. Starters Flo Coburn and Lyn Ericksen.

From the Committee


A reminder that if you haven't paid your subs these are due. We will be removing unpaid members from the Dot Golf system on Wednesday 1st March as to avoid paying unnecessary charges from NZ Golf unless prior arrangements have been made with the committee.

There has been a bit of discussion around subs prices as they become due. The committee are happy with how we have set subs and that subs have not been lifted for a number of years now. We feel we have enough categories to cover the different range of playing levels for members at reasonable cost.

Not forgetting that Installment options are available if one off payments are unmanageable

Water upgrade

We are looking to move into the next stage of upgrading the watering system soon. So there may be some minor disruptions on the course when this happens. As always these things cost money so if you can spare some time or resources to help keep costs down let the club know.

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