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Opening Day 15th January

This Saturday sees the start of our 2022 season with opening day which will be run under the Irish Stableford rules, that is where from holes 1-6 normal stableford points are scored, holes 7-12 points are multiplied by 2 and holes 13-18 points are multiplied by 3.

Don't panic about sorting out the score on your card as Dot Golf will work it all out, this comp is open to both the men and the woman so be great to see a good turn out, entry fee is $10.

Remember next week the 22nd of Jan is the Team Hope Charity Event so make sure you have re entered your team as it promises to be another well run event.

This year I will be communicating with the Saturday men weekly by txt so we can create draws for our club trophy competitions, this still leaves lots of weeks where you can play with your mates when we are running a haggle, this will give you all a chance to mix and mingle with some of the new exciting golfers we now have along with a few of the old buzzards who still knock it around the park with plenty of skill.

When you receive a txt you will only need to reply with a " yes " if you wish to play as I don't need 100 txt coming to my phone that say "no", the only other info I need is late or early tee so early tee is 10.30 to 11.15 and late tee is 11.15 till 12pm so for example a reply to one of my txt should be simply "yes Early" or Yes Late" ONLY REPLY IF YOU ARE PLAYING !!!

If for some reason you are not 100% sure if you can make it or circumstances change still turn up as we will always accommodate and get you in the draw so have no fear of that, so ill be sending out a couple of test txt over the next two weeks then the week of the Summer Cup which is the 29th January we will commence with this new initiative, any questions feel free to ask me over the next couple of weeks.


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