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Wairakei Trip Conditions


Important Information For Visiting Wairakei during Covid 19 Alert Level 2

Version 2. as at 1st March 2021

All players must adhere to the requirements set out in this document and it is the responsibility of the person making the booking to ensure all players in your party are given this information. This will allow everyone to have an understanding of what to expect and how they can assist with the extra processes required under alert level 2 restrictions.

During level 2 the Pro shop/Clubhouse and Cafe will be open and available for you to enter, however stringent protocols are in place for hospitality premises. Physical distancing and no congregating must be maintained at all times.

Pro shop

Please arrive early for your tee time and please be patient as some of these processes will take longer. We must maintain hygiene and sanitising practices at all times, please allow us the time and space to do so.

Contact Tracing

It is critical that all players check-in at the pro shop on arrival, as everyone coming onto the premises must be accounted for. There is the option of using the sign in sheets or a QR code to check-in at the front foyer of the pro shop.

Hospitality premises may open under the following conditions.

Seated - Customers must wait to be seated, you can only sit with the group you played with.

Separate -Tables must be kept at least 2m apart.

Single server -One wait staff per table. Ordering and collecting food and drinks at the counter is not permitted at licensed premises.

Due to these regulations we are limited to the number of tables we will be able to service.

· Tables/ Chairs will be sanitised after each use.

· Patience will be required as we are restricted to one server per table.

· Payment can be made at the bar, please wait for your server to notify you. We encourage the use of payWave for contactless payment.

Toilet Facilities

The toilet facilities will be available and sanitised regularly.

Drinking water

Staff are not allowed to refill any personal drinking bottles and the drinking fountain on course is not in use, please arrive prepared with your own supply or purchase at the pro shop.

Private Coaching Area

We are not allowing casual practice in the private coaching area. The regular practice range is available.


We will print and issue scorecards, the self-service terminal will not be in use. Again we ask for your patience during this process.


Please be diligent in repairing all pitch marks.

All flagsticks will be on course but must remain in the hole at all times. Please avoid handling the flagstick.

Your Responsibilities

We expect every player to adhere to Covid 19 regulations at all times. This includes:

· physical distancing

· regular hand hygiene

· no congregating

· safe coughing/sneezing practices

· if you are sick or display any Covid 19 symptoms you are required to stay at home

· contact tracing information has been sent to Wairakei

· with all the added systems in place there will be delays in processing customers therefore please arrive early for your tee time

· all the players in your party are aware of this information and their responsibilities

All protocols will be under constant review.

Thank you all for your patience, understanding and support.

All the best

Your team at Wairakei Golf + Sanctuary

Wairakei Golf + Sanctuary

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